we're watching your system*
* to keep you online, and to keep your information secure
Standard Support
(All levels)
- Monitoring system
logs and notifying of problems
- Monitoring system
- Checking correct
operation of daemon processes
- Monitoring for
errant processes
- Notification
of performance problems
- Monitoring modem
and printer status
- Monitoring mail
and print queues
- Providing time
synchronization (NTP) service
- Off-site (or
remote) management of external DNS
- Monitoring connectivity

Optional Support
- Monitoring system
resources (messages queues, share memory, etc.)
- Document important
configuration data off-site
- Monitoring hardware
health status (where available)
- Monitoring UPS
- Monitoring mail
and print queues
- Monitoring system
- Checking for
full (or near full) filesystems
- Backing-up critical
files off-site
- Monitoring disk
usage and maintaining a "hogs" list
- Purging core
files and other unused files
- Performing periodic
filesystem checks and reports
- Checking password
- Automated audit
(with COPS, Satan, Tripwire, etc.)

System Administration
In addition to
monitoring and maintenance assistance, Starnix's support services
can help speed and simplify a broad range of administrative tasks.
